Company: AppliedInfo Partners
Client: Department of Defense (DoD)
Role: Art Direction/Visual Design
Project Overview:
The army modernization strategy is to have not only the best equipment but the best training available for that equipment. Our job was to create an interactive training course that could be accessed not only in a classroom setting but to our soldiers in the field aswell.
TR Robot
Photo & Video Shoot
After a script was written and approved, we had 2 days of live shooting with the TR Robot. We shot individual videos of how to take it apart, repair, and precisely use each hardware accessory of the robot. These videos were then translated into an interactive course for soldiers to train from.
Interactive Course Screens
Interactive Course Screens
Animated Transistions
We incorporated animated transitions when sections were selected so soldiers knew the exact locations of the robots hardware accessories.
Selected Works
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Hayward DiagnosticsWeb App
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