Agency: D2 Creative
Client: IEEE TryEngineering
Role: Art Direction/Visual Design
Project Overview:
How do we empower educators to foster the next generation of technology innovators? TryEngineering is an educational initiative from IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. Working closely with key stakeholders we unified three of IEEE's engineering websites into one unified presence giving educators and students alike access to engineering resources, lesson plans, and activities.
Desktop "Questioneering" Game Experience
Selected Works
D2 CybersecurityCorporate Digital Design
Insight Web AppUI Design & Systems Thinking
DIFUI Design
CSS Building ServicesWeb App & Admin Portal
Pepperidge Farm - Team XtremeBranding
GenomicsCorporate Website Design
IEEE Try EngineeringCorporate Website Design
CooperSurgicalCorporate Website Design
QologyCorporate Website Design
D2CreativeAgency Website
Interactive TrainingArt Direction & UI Design
Sagely HealthBranding
Hayward Energy AppInteractive
Black DynamiteBranding
Hayward DiagnosticsWeb App